Cloud vs VPS: What’s the Difference and Which to Choose?

When it comes to hosting solutions, two terms often come up: Cloud and VPS. But what sets them apart, and which one should you opt for? This article delves into these questions to guide your decision-making.

Cloud Vs VPS

Distinguishing VPS from Cloud

A VPS, or Virtual Private Server, is essentially a dedicated segment of a single physical server’s resources. On the other hand, the cloud is built upon multiple scalable dedicated servers, offering flexibility to adjust configurations at any time.

Let’s break down their differences:

  • Scalability: VPS operates within a confined system with set parameters. In contrast, cloud servers pool resources, allowing for scalability in terms of increasing or decreasing power.
  • Security: VPS relies on basic data center protection and tools installed by the client. Cloud hosting incorporates these measures and adds internal data protection systems, such as disk encryption.
  • Environment Independence: A physical server malfunction hosting a VPS halts the virtual machines. This issue doesn’t arise with cloud hosting since it operates across multiple servers.

Both technologies utilize virtualization, dividing physical servers into virtual machines. With VPS, these machines function similarly to dedicated servers with fixed parameters. Hence, VPS rental is for a specified period, with its configuration remaining unchanged. Conversely, cloud servers allow resource adjustments anytime, leading to a “pay-as-you-go” billing model.

VPS: Ideal for Light-Load Tasks


Users of VPSs get access to a private virtual server. It splits the resources of the actual server using specialized software known as a hypervisor. Clients are given a “slice” or part of the resources on a single physical server. A new VPS is ordered at a different rate depending on whether more or fewer resources are required.

Benefits of a VPS’s isolated nature include:

  • Complete data and program isolation from other VPS users.
  • Independent operation, reboot, and shutdown from other users.
  • Connection to the user’s local network; dedicated IP addresses for VDS, routing table configurations, etc.
  • Other users’ actions don’t impact your VPS resources.

A significant advantage of VDS is its cost-effectiveness. However, rapid scalability isn’t feasible. Business growth and increased website traffic necessitate IT infrastructure expansion, requiring a new VDS with different parameters.

VPS suits tasks with minimal loads, such as remote desktop connections, small e-commerce sites, and specific server types. It’s not recommended for resource-intensive tasks like streaming, gaming servers, cryptocurrency mining, or large e-commerce projects.

Cloud Server: Flexible Solution for All Scales

Cloud Server

Public clouds are hardware-software systems that enable remote access to computational resources for clients. Servers, data storage, network infrastructure, applications, and services are all included in this. The idea of cloud technology is to combine actual servers, networking equipment, and other resources into a single pool.

The IaaS concept allows flexibility in configuration, enabling users to set up their virtual network and install their operating system and applications. In the cloud of the provider, virtual network devices can be set up similarly to actual office furniture.

Cloud hosting often employs microservices for security, monitoring, and other tasks. For instance, SIM-Cloud’s public cloud offers VPNaaS, FWaaS, DNSaaS, and Notification-as-a-Service.

Cloud hosting is fail-safe due to its clustered architecture. It doesn’t rely on a single physical device. If a device fails, its functions are taken over by backups, redistributing the load within the cloud.

Making the Choice: VPS Vs Cloud

When torn between the cloud and VPS, remember they serve different purposes. VPS is suitable for smaller projects without complex infrastructure needs. In contrast, larger projects with intricate network topologies, high-security demands, and scalability requirements will benefit from cloud server rentals.

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Cloud vs VPS: What’s the Difference and Which to Choose? – FAQs

Which is better VPS or cloud?

As far as most web developers are concerned, cloud hosting is their go-to choice. The main reason is they can upgrade bandwidth, disc space, or RAM whenever needed.

Is VPS cheaper than the cloud?

VPS is cheaper but offers less scalability. Cloud hosting costs are higher, but the value for money makes the additional costs acceptable.

Why choose VPS?

VPS environments run faster and perform more reliably than shared environments for the simple reason that they operate on individually allocated bandwidth.

Is VPS more secure?

It’s virtual, meaning, it can create several virtual servers on a single physical machine and it’s private because you divide server resources such as RAM, and CPU into these virtual servers. In comparison to shared hosting, where there is no designated server space, VPS is a safer and more reliable option.

Why is VPS so expensive?

Typically, a standard VPS is pricer than other server options because it comes with more reliable and powerful hardware and Rapid SSD storage. It can also be more expensive due to the quality and technology of the virtualization system used.

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