Infolinks Review – The Best Ad Network for Advertisers and Publishers

One of the main goals of website owners is to earn money from their blog. However, often times, these individuals struggle to actually earn this income. One of the biggest reasons for this is not having the right ad network. Implementing the right ad network and make or break your blog. Infolinks is the best ad network for both publishers and advertisers. Let us see our Infolinks review.

Infolinks Review

What is Infolinks?

Infolinks is the number 1 ad network for publishers and advertisers. Publishers can easily earn revenue by placing Infolinks’ innovative intent-driven ads on their website. Advertisers can promote their products through these ads. It is one of the best Adsense alternatives to the publishers

Infolinks Ad Formats

Infolinks offers 5 unique intent-based ad units that target user intent to achieve higher engagement.

InFold: This clever ad unit takes advantage of the power of search and display, presenting relevant ads on a wider scale of traffic. The ad appears in a unique location right above the fold, delivering results of up to 30X the engagement of standard display units.


InText: Works by scanning a page’s content in real-time to deliver relevant ads. The ads are neatly presented within a page’s text, delivering effective results.


InTag: Displays the most valuable keywords directly related to the content of a page in highly customizable ad units. The ads are displayed only when a user hovers over the highlighted keyword, matches several ad formats to increase performance by up to 3X.


InFrame: Provides a solution for unused real estate on wide screens. These attractive display banners present relevant and perfectly timed ads, that appear alongside your content.


InArticle: Highly viewable ad which opens once a user engages with the page content. This ad unit serves top brand ads according to the content and user intent, in various ad formats including video and native, in order to boost engagement and revenue.


Infolinks for Publishers

Infolinks offers various benefits for publishers. Some of these benefits include:

  • Easy acceptance, no minimum requirement
  • Complete control over ad units
  • Ads are fully customizable
  • 5 different ad units for complete monetization
  • Intent-driven ad units
  • Easily track clicks, impressions, and more in real time with the Infolinks dashboard
  • Low payout threshold.

I have tried many ad networks before Adsense approval. Infolinks was the highest paying ad network for me than other ad networks. You can check below screenshot for my earning report. You need to remember that, 60% of my tech. blog traffic came from India. If you have good traffic from top tire countries like US, UK, you will see more eCPM than me.

infolinks earning reports

If your website or blog did not get Adsense approval, you definitely go with it. Even if you get Adsense approval, you can use it along with Adsense ads.

AdShop by Infolinks

Infolinks recently launched AdShop, a self-serve advertising platform which allows you to easily manage ad campaigns. It is perfect for all sites and businesses that want to increase traffic by promoting their site.

Infolinks Adshop

Who is Using AdShop?

AdShop users are those who are looking to increase web traffic or promote a specific product. One of the benefits of AdShop is that it is easy and simple to use, and can be easily tracked and managed making it the ideal platform for all website owners/bloggers. AdShop is also an ideal platform for affiliate marketers and small businesses.

Benefit for Advertisers

AdShop can be used by anyone from website owners, small businesses, advertising agencies, affiliate marketers, and more.

  • Users can sign up to be an advertiser through AdShop and be approved in seconds!
  • Stat a campaign with a minimum balance of $25 which is significantly lower compared to other ad networks.
  • Payment is made on a CPC basis, so you only pay for users that entered your site.
  • Target your campaign based on keywords, devices, categories, country, etc.
  • Various ad formats to choose from.
  • 90% viewability rate
  • Reach users when they are most engaged through intent-driven ads

Infolinks vs. Competitors

Infolinks has been leading the industry for several years and dominates the competition.

  • They offer 5 different intent-driven ad formats that help both publishers and advertisers monetize their content and campaigns.
  • An advertiser can start with an ad campaign balance of $25
  • The advertiser is given total control over the campaign along with the targeting tools.
  • UUser-friendly dashboard to easily keep track of campaigns and earnings
  • High acceptance rating for publishers

Referral Program

Infolinks offers a unique referral program. The referral program is a great way to increase your revenue with Infolinks. The program is simple: Refer new publishers to Infolinks earn 10% of their revenue for 12 months.

Infolinks Referral program

Why Become a Referral Partner?

  • No signup needed, just copy your unique URL and start referring!
  • Real-time active site counter and reports.
  • Wide selection of banners and to help you refer publishers.
  • Earn 10% of the revenue from all the sites you refer for 12 months.

How to Refer Publishers to Infolinks?

  • Visit your personal referral tab to get your unique code.
  • Write a review about Infolinks.
  • Share it on social media
  • Promote in your newsletter
  • Place the banners on your site

Final Thoughts

Infolinks has become the leading alternative to Google AdSense. As the terms and conditions of Google AdSense become increasingly strict, publishers are signing up for Infolinks. If you are looking to earn money from your website, Infolinks is the way to go!

Sign Up Here

If you like this Infolinks Review, please share it with your friends. Want more blogging tips, follow BlogVwant on Facebook and Twitter.

Infolinks Review – FAQ

  1. Can I use Infolinks with Adsense?

    Yes. You can use Infolinks along with Adsense.

  2. Is infolinks better than Adsense?

    No. Infolinks pays lesser than Adsense .

  3. How do I get infolinks approval?

    Just apply to Infolinks with your website. Wait for one day. You will get approval easily.

1 thought on “Infolinks Review – The Best Ad Network for Advertisers and Publishers”

  1. Infolinks is a terrible company. They do not respond to emails. They promise you one thing and deliver another.
    Also, the worst part about my experience was the re-directs that their ads were causing. They told me to turn off the ads and they would respond back to me when the issue would be fixed. I never heard back from them. Not one response back from the 20 something emails I sent to them.
    Terrible company. You have been warned.


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