Does Your Jetpack Publicize Not Working? Does it give an Error? After migrating my website to Siteground, I have got Error Something which should never happen, happened. Sorry about that, if you try again maybe it will work. Error code : -32300. If you don’t know about Jetpack publicize read What is Jetpack publicize and how to enable it.
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I have tried many times with no luck. I have worked on it to resolve the issue. I have successfully fixed the problem. In this tutorial, I am going to show you what are the methods I have followed.
When you want to resolve any issue, first you need to know the cause of the problem. To know the cause, you must know how it is working.
How jetpack publicize works?
Jetpack publicize uses an xmlrpc.php file to connect to your social media accounts. If your XML-RPC file gets conflict, your publicize will not function properly. XML-RPC is nothing but using XML for Remote Procedure Call. If any software in your WordPress wants to call a remote system like Facebook, XML-PRC will send HTTP request to the server. If you want more details, you can read from Wikipedia.
Fix for Jetpack Publicize Not Working Issue
Video Tutorial:
For the reader’s convenience, we always create a video tutorial. Either you can watch and learn or simply skip the video and continue with the steps mentioned afterward.
You can try the below methods one after one. Anyone may work for you.
1.Try using
You can connect or refresh your social media connections from itself.
Just go to
Select your website name. You will see connections. Try to connect your social media accounts. It may work for you if you don’t have issues with XML-RPC file. If you can not connect to social media accounts, then follow the next method.
2.Plugin Conflict
There is a chance that any one of your plugins is conflicting with your XML-RPC file. You can check by visiting replace with your website URL. It should display only the below sentence.
XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.
If you see anything extra, any plugin may be interfering with your file. If you could identify corrupting plugin from extra words in the above sentence, just disable that plugin and check. Otherwise, deactivate all plugins and check whether your publicize is working. In order to disable all plugins at once, go to cPanel -> File Manager -> Public_html -> wp-content rename plugins folder to plugins2 and save. Now your plugins will be deactivated. Now rename the Plugins2 folder to Plugins. Go to dashboard activate plugins one after another to find the corrupted plugin.
3.Server might block XML-RPC file
Some servers block access to XML-RPC file for security reasons. There is a chance that your server might have blocked access to xmlrpc.php.
I have got error code: 32300 after migrating my website site to the Siteground server. By default, they have block access to xmlrpc.php file for security purposes.
You can check, whether your server blocked your file or not. Just open it must display the same sentence given in the above method. If your XML-RPC file is blocked by your server, you will see the below message.

How to remove Security Restriction
You can easily remove security restrictions by adding simple code to your .htaccess file.
Go to cPanel -> File Manager -> Public_html. Select .htaccess file and select the Edit option at the top. Add below code at the end of your .htaccess file. And save the file.
## Disable security of XML-RPC ## <IfModule mod_security.c> SecFilterRemove 001205 </IfModule> ## Disable security of XML-RPC ## |
Now check it must display
XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.
Otherwise, you must contact your hosting provider to disable security restrictions of your xmlrpc file. After removing security restrictions, you can use your jetpack publicize usually.
4.Check Cron job
If the above methods did not work for you, there is a chance that your server has disabled the Cron job. First, check whether your wp-config.php file has a line below.
define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', true );
If you see the above line in the config file, immediately remove that line. Because above line disables your Cron jobs to run.
You may also contact your hosting provider to confirm that your Cron job is working or not. If it is disabled, ask them to enable it.
After enabling a Cron job, your publicize might work. Still, if you see the issue, there is some synchronization problem between your website and You must contact Jetpack Support. They will help you to resolve your issue. You can also create a support thread in the WordPress support forum.
If you have the issue even after that, you must hire a freelance WordPress developer from any one of the Top Freelance websites like or Fiverr.
I hope you have solved Jetpack Publicize Not Working issue. Please let us know which method worked for you through the comment section. If you like this article, please share this article. Want more blogging tips, follow BlogVwant on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Everything is fine but I’m still not apple to publish post using jetpack app. can you help?
OMG I have literally been looking everywhere to figure out what’s happened and the first point fixed it as there is now a tick box in the Jetpack connect. Thanks so so much. It was driving me batty.
i have checked all method which you told in post every method is working fine but my jetpack plugin in now showing post on facebook page
You’re genius Sir! the problem was on my Website withe Plugins! thanks again 🙂