Cloudflare Free Vs Pro Vs Business Vs Enterprise

Are you searching for Cloudflare Free vs Pro Vs Business Vs Enterprise? Do you want to know the differences between the Cloudflare plans? Want to select a Cloudflare plan according to your requirements? Then this article is the right choice for you.

In this article, you can view the complete features that Cloudflare Free, Pro, Business, and Enterprise plans offer. We will show you a legal trick to get the Cloudflare Enterprise plan for free.

Hint: Here is the legal trick to use the Cloudflare Enterprise plan for free. Just use This Rocket hosting service, the most secured and fastest managed WordPress hosting service that gives you a Cloudflare Enterprise plan for free.

Video Tutorial:

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What is Cloudflare?


Cloudflare is a service that will give you CDN, Web Application Firewall, and complete security and performance features for your website.

It works like a proxy server between your website visitors and web hostings’ servers and caching content. Also effectively optimizes your website, improves website performance, and protects your site.
In brief, Cloudflare shields and accelerates your website.

Further, it offers free global CDN, free SSL support, iPv6 compatibility, Lazy Loading, Polish, Mirage, front-end web-content optimization, etc that are more beneficial for your website performance and speed.

Because of the above reasons, many hosting companies like DreamHost, and others partnered with Cloudflare to provide Cloudflare’s benefits to its hosting customers.

Do I need to use Cloudflare?

Any website will definitely be benefited when they use Cloudflare, including its free version.

Cloudflare is ideal if you want to optimize your site. And when visitors request cached content from your site, they can connect and download the content from the nearest Cloudflare server instead of connecting directly to their Web Hostings’ servers. This decreases the amount of time it takes for pages to load.

Cloudflare can benefit your website in a number of different ways:

User Experience: A fast and responsive site can definitely increase user satisfaction and encourages repeat visits.
Boost Your SEO: Higher site speed is a great factor in increasing your search engine ranking. And improving eCommerce conversion rates as well.
Free Universal SSL: It aids to make your site more secure and improves your SEO as well.
Protect your site: Cloudflare protects your site against malicious traffic and internet attacks.
High traffic: Using a CDN correctly can mitigate or decrease the impact that a heavy surge in traffic that may happen on your site.
Reduction in server load: Caching your content in a CDN decreases the load on your server and the bandwidth used.

Cloudflare Free Vs Pro Vs Business Vs Enterprise

Cloudflare service is available both in free and paid versions. As we all know that a free version will never give you all the features as paid versions.

Cloudflare offers four plans for its users to subscribe to it. Those are Free, Pro, Business, Enterprise. Now let’s have a glance at the features that each plan offers. Next, you can view the comparison of these plans. After the comparison, you can definitely realize that the Enterprise plan is better than the Free/Pro plan.

Cloudflare Free Plan

Cost: $0 / month per domain

Cloudflare offers a free plan besides it’s paid plans. Now let’s have a look at the features that the free plan provides.

  • DDoS attack mitigation: It is the process of protecting a targeted server or network from a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack.
  • Global Content Delivery Network (CDN): It is a highly-distributed platform of servers that helps to minimize the delays in loading web page content by reducing the physical distance between the server and the user. This helps users around the world to view the same high-quality content without slow loading times.
  • Support via email: Though it is a free version you can get help from the organization through email when you face any problem.

Cloudflare Pro Plan

Cost: $20 / month per domain

Cloudflare Pro plan is best suitable for people who desire to protect and accelerate their professional websites or blogs. It includes free version features plus the following:

  • Enhanced security with Web Application Firewall (WAF): It will provide high security for your website with WAF.
    WAF stands for Web Application Firewall that is used to filter, block, or monitor inbound and outbound web application HTTP traffic.
  • Lossless image optimization: The images will be compressed/resized to some required levels without losing the information contained in them.
  • Automatic mobile optimization: Automatically adjust the website content. And ensures that customers see improved performance when they visit your site.
  • Cache Analytics: With Cache Analytics, it’s easier than ever to learn how to speed up your website, and reduce traffic sent to your origin. 

Cloudflare Business Plan

Cost: $200/month

Cloudflare Business plan is best suitable for small businesses operating online. This plan includes the Pro plan features plus the following:

  • 24x7x365 chat support: Customer support is available for its users for 24/7/365 via chat.
  • 100% uptime SLA: It means the provider will do everything to make sure your systems are constantly online and customers do not experience any outages.
  • CNAME set-up compatibility: CNAME setup allows a customer to maintain authoritative DNS outside of Cloudflare. It allows individual subdomains to benefit from Cloudflare’s services without requiring updates for a domain’s registration to point to Cloudflare’s nameservers for DNS resolution.  
  • Use your own SSL certificate: It provides you a special facility to use your own SSL certificate for encryption. And provides you the more trust.
  • Easy PCI compliance: The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a global financial information security standard that secures cardholders’ data environment.

Cloudflare Enterprise Plan

Cost: Contact Sales

The Cloudflare Enterprise plan is the most recommended one. Because it is best suitable for any type of business, small or large. And this plan includes Business plan features plus the following:

  • Prioritized IP ranges: Enterprise web assets are placed on Cloudflare dedicated IP ranges, giving prioritized routing and protection to guarantee maximum speed and availability.
  • 24x7x365 phone support: Customer support is available for its users for 24/7/365 via phone.
  • Named solutions engineer support: If Enterprise customers need any assistance with on-boarding, optimization, and technical support, then they can receive named solutions and success engineers.
  • 25x reimbursement uptime SLA: In case of rare downtime, Enterprise customers get a 25x credit against the monthly fee, in proportion to the respective disruption and affected customer ratio.
  • Role-based account access: Each user is given set permissions, individual API keys, and optional two-factor authentication.

Table of comparison

List of FeaturesFreeProBusinessEnterprise
Price$0$20/mo$200/moContact Sales
Suitable forIndividualsProfessional Websites or BlogsSmall BusinessesMission-critical Applications that are core to business
DDoS attack mitigation
Global Content Delivery Network
Support via email
Enhanced security with Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Lossless image optimization
Automatic mobile optimization
Cache Analytics
CNAME set-up compatibility
Easy PCI compliance
Use your own SSL certificate
100% uptime SLA
24x7x365 phone support
Prioritized IP ranges
24x7x365 chat support
Named solutions engineer support
25x reimbursement uptime SLA
Role-based account access

How to get a Cloudflare Enterprise plan for free?

Just host your website on Rocket. Their servers are already on the Cloudflare Enterprise plan. You will get all Cloudflare Enterprise plan benefits for free.

It is the best managed WordPress hosting service. It will give you complete features for a very less price. When you host your website on Rocket, you don’t need to install and use premium plugins/services like Security, Backup, Image compression, CDN, Caching, etc.,

Currently, we are using it. We love their service and servers. We can say no other managed WordPress hosting provides you Web Application Firewall service. But will give you using the Cloudflare enterprise plan.


Now you can know the complete features that Cloudflare Free, Pro, Business, and Enterprise plans offer. Based on your requirement you can subscribe to any of its plans. However, the Cloudflare Enterprise plan is most recommended here. Because it is best suitable for mission-critical applications that are core to the business. And whether small or large, it provides advanced security, performance, and reliability features. And it is the only plan that provides you the Custom Domain Protection feature.

On the other hand, the Cloudflare Pro plan is preferred for people who desire to protect and accelerate their professional websites or blogs.

Suppose you are running small businesses online, then the Cloudflare Business plan is the most suitable one.

Also Read:

I hope this article, Cloudflare Free Vs Pro Vs Business Vs Enterprise, will aid you to know the features and comparison of Cloudflare Free, Pro, Business, and Enterprise plans. If you like this article, do a favor by sharing it and follow BlogVwant on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for more tips.

Cloudflare Free Vs Pro Vs Business Vs Enterprise Plans – FAQs

What is billing date of Cloudflare paid plan?

The date you have signed up for the first time for the paid plan will be the billing date. And it will be recurring. Suppose you have signed-up on January 1st, then the billing date will be the 1st of every month.

Can I stream videos through Cloudflare plans?

Cloudflare stream makes streaming high-quality video at scale, simple and affordable.
And Cloudflare video streaming plan starts at $5 per month.

Why my Cloudflare Universal SSL certificate is not active?

A Universal SSL certificate is provided for all active Cloudflare domains. If you notice SSL errors and do not possess a certificate of Type  Universal within the Edge Certificates tab of the Cloudflare SSL app for your domain, then the Universal SSL certificate has not yet provisioned.

What is the bandwidth that website visitors get with the free version?

Free plan of Cloudflare has no limit on the amount of bandwidth that visitors use or websites that you add.

Will Cloudflare provide protection for domain?

Yes. But only the Cloudflare Enterprise plan will provide you Custom Domain Protection.

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